Edited to add: Thanks everyone! I'm sure we'll get this sorted out right quick.
My Google+ profile has just been suspended for having an unusual name.
Four years of consumption offsets and going strong.
In 2010, I decided to start matching everything I spend on a non-essential purchase with an equal donation to an effective charity. It's worked for…
Aaron Swartz.
I went to the memorial service for Aaron at the Internet Archive last night. This is what I said. I've been thinking about Aaron every day…
On living a good life.
I went to a memorial service today. It was for Jon Brilliant, son of Larry Brilliant, whom I'd known during my first year at Google.org. The service…
Four years of consumption offsets and going strong.
In 2010, I decided to start matching everything I spend on a non-essential purchase with an equal donation to an effective charity. It's worked for…
Aaron Swartz.
I went to the memorial service for Aaron at the Internet Archive last night. This is what I said. I've been thinking about Aaron every day…
On living a good life.
I went to a memorial service today. It was for Jon Brilliant, son of Larry Brilliant, whom I'd known during my first year at Google.org. The service…
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